School Requirements

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Name of Student……………………………………………. Class………… Year……………
  • 2 Black trousers for boys (Gentleman type)
  • 2 Black long skirts without slits for girls (Caribbean type)
  • 1 Blanket
  • 1 Pillow
  • 21 Mattress
  • 1 Basin
  • 1 Jerrycan
  • 2 Dozens of Counter books
  • A graph book
  • Enough pens and pencil
  • Coloured pencils – Bought from school
  • Art book – Bought from school
  • 3 Packets of sanitary pads for girls
  • 4 Bars of washing soap
  • Enough bathing soap
  • 1 Pair of closed black and open shoes
  • 2 Pairs of white stockings for girls
  • 2 Pairs of white/grey socks for boys
  • 1 Umbrella
  • 1 Pair of Sports shoes
  • A school bag
  • Wrist watch
  • Mathematical set
  • Scientific Calculator
  • 1 Lockable suitcase
  • 1 Lockable suitcase
  • 2 Plates, spoons, forks and a cup
  • 1 Flask
  • 6 Knickers and 3 Petticoats for girls
  • 6 boxers for boys
  • 2 White/Black inputs for girls and boys
  • A flat iron
  • Threads and a needle
  • A torch and 2 pairs of dry cells
  • 1 Knife for girls
  • 2 Plates, spoons, forks and a cup
  • 8 Toilet paper rolls (Piao/Comfort type)
  • Night wear
  • 2 Packets of tooth paste and 2 tooth brushes
  • 2 Tins of shoes polish and a shoe
  • 1 container and a bottle for drinking water
Signature of student ……………………………………. Date………………………………. Name of Parent …………………………………......... Signature ……………………… Parent’s contact ………………….

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